Friday, July 30, 2010

They All Scream for Ice Cream!

What do you do when 4 kiddos, an Auntie & a Granny hear the Ice Cream Man? Well, you chase his truck through the neighborhood until he realizes you mean business, of course!

Luckily, Billy the Ice Cream Man pulled over in a shady spot for the troops to enjoy their licks!

Seeing that our little Alexander has had ice cream everynight of his visit in Carlisle, (in fact he finished both his & Norah's cones last night), you might think he's getting tired of it...Ah, no. Now the boy can identify the tell-tale ice cream truck music... our life will never be the same.

(Notice anything different? Hint, hint...)

After a week of cones, the boy doesn't even need his Mama's help catching the drips anymore:(. My little guy's growing up!

It is so much fun to visit grandma's house!

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