Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Pappy!

I started this post Sunday. Yes, Sunday. Only problem, it is Tuesday, and I still haven't finished it! I guess that's what 5 kids, a husband & a sister will do to you!

Pappy's 89th birthday was July 16; so we all came together Sunday @ Aunt Connie's for a delicious spread & some awesome cake, pie & cookies! Yum!

The men-folk cooked up some corn outside, while the kiddos played with the hose.

Ever since I can remember, Aunt Connie has had beautiful gardens. Seriously amazing. They live on the top of the Allegheny Ridge; they have deer, turkey, bear... and a beaver pond! Beautiful!

As soon as Alexander saw Baby Norah, he remembered her. Love at 18th month! While the rest of the kiddos cooled off in the basement playing with Legos, these two chilled on the front porch with a cold one... cold ice that is!

And then our little model-ette appeared.

After dinner & some ice cubes, we all headed down to the beaver pond for a quick splash.

At first the babe was hesitant... but that didn't last. Eventually, the boy was flying head-first into the creek, wading up to his chest. Loving every minute!

Ethan & Uncle Johnny had a pretty serious water battle... I think Ethan won!
Grandma with all her kiddos! Hopefully these litte ones know how lucky they are to have such a wonderful, fabulous, loving, sweet and playful granny. If they don't know how lucky they are now, they will soon! And she's cute too (Sarah, Norah & Charlotte should thank her now!).
And I guess Ethan & Alexander can thank Grandma for... for the basketball shoes :).
After the splashing, we headed out to the pond-proper to some goose-watching. Grandma's really good at goose-spotting!
Unfortunately, Grandpa's birthday party went way too fast. There just wasn't enough time with Uncle Johnny in the creek; but luckily, Aunt Jenn & the kids didn't have to go home, they came to our house!

I fell rather certain that Sarah, with encouragement, will be a fabulous piano player; I can't keep her away from the keys, and it actually sounds nice!

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