Wednesday, July 21, 2010

As if a week with 5 cousins isn't enough, we decided to invite another 6 munchkins & their Mamas over to play with the babe's new jungle gym. And, obviously, the kid just couldn't entertain a carport of his closest friends without some watermelon. Ok, two watermelons. Yum!

Over the Fourth of July weekend, Mama & Granny Smith took a few bumpy strolls down many Woodsdale Allys, in an attempt to get the boy to sleep. While on our search for sleep, Mama noticed a half dozen pieces of big, plastic play equipment living under a few year's worth of vines and grime. It was obviously unused, so I decided to write a nice note, offering to buy everything up & leave it on the front door... Last week, a very nice lady with three teenage daughters called, accepted my offer, and now the boy has a small patch of grass left that isn't covered by multi-colored plastic. Fun stuff.

Although the yard-full of jungle junk was a little overwhelming, the company was awesome. Aunt Jenn got to meet all of Alexander's little friends (& draw up a report for Grandma back in Carlisle), and the kiddos got to work on their people skills. Good times!

And after a very dirt-filled morning cleaning spider-infested play equipment and mud-bathing with buddies, Alexander jumped in a bubble bath with two of his favorite cousins!

The boy loves bubbles. The neighbor taught him to say bubble a few months ago. And now, he'll drop everything to run to the bathroom for a good bubble bath. Of course, the Johnson & Johnson Bubble Bath aggravates his eczema, but it makes him so happy! If only the Aveno Baby produced a few bubbles... oh well!

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