Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Two Candles: Charlotte

Charlotte turned the big T.W.O; And Alexander was there to share the yummy Aunt Jenn cake & then spend the rest of his weekend begging for more! Happy Birthday little girl!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To & Fro

Warning: Lots & lots of the same picture of the kid... or at least it looks that way, since we packed light & he wore the same outfit both East & West...

Alexander took his first Amtrak ride home to grandma's house early on Thanksgiving morning. And it was awesome! The kid did great (despite his 4:30am wake-up call & remnant cough/snot combination).

For the first few hours, the kid was satisfied just starring out the window. But then he found the tray table... let the fun begin. Up, down, up down. Luckily, Amtrak tray tables are built so much better than, say, Continental... yeah, the kid really enjoyed climbing all over them; and finally settled down on his make-shift bed to day dream out the window...

Although the Binkie Bear has eliminated daytime binkies @ our house, around the Horse Shoe Curve our sleepy little passenger started playing with his ears. So we offered him a bink & he was asleep within 5 minutes, amazing!

OK, safe trip to Central PA. Minor excitement when our train came to a screeching halt, declared an emergency & later told us a teen had been jammin' to his ipod so loud he didn't hear the train & barely jumped out of the train's track in time. Fabulous Thanksgiving @ Aunt Jenn's (more on that later). And then back on the train Sunday afternoon, headed for home.

Grandma friended a "red hat" at the Harrisburg Station & got our little traveler a little VIP treatment. Well, I guess handicap treatment would be more accurate. We were escorted down the elevator & allowed to wait on the platform for the train to arrive, ahead of the masses. With Grandma's help, we were some of the first on the train in Harrisburg, and were able to get a four-pack of seats, at the front of the train. Not quite as roomy as our trip to Central PA, but at least the kid had some space to stretch out...

Before the kiddo passed out (just 20 minutes before pulling into Pittsburgh), he insisted on putting every available sticker on Daddy. They really dressed up his ensemble...And then the boy passed out. Cold. Good times.