Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunny Sunday

It smelled like Spring in Wild & Wonderful WV yesterday! Mmmm, delicious! So, we packed the kid up, picked up some of Jacob's delicious Spaghetti & headed up the hill for a picnic.

Of course, by the time we sat down to eat, the kiddo was no longer hungry & was a little more interested in collecting pine cones & cooking them on the grill...
And just like that, they were off. By the time Mama cleaned up the picnic, Papa & Alexander were at the bottom of the hill running around the lake.
Mama got their attention, and the attention of every other family playing in the park, with a little Rebel Yell. "AAAAlexander!" And the kid yelled back, "Hi Mama. Bye Mama!"

Hope your week is as fabulous as our Sunday!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


It's true, he really is on steroids; and we can tell. The kid has gone wacky! He can't sit still. He can't move fast enough. And his imagination has gone wild!

Eat a fire truck? Why, I think I will.
Yucky you say? Well, you just didn't use Heinz Ketchup...


What better way to beat a cold than a little chill, right? So we bundled the babe up & headed to the park for a late afternoon walk. Brrrr, it was colder than it looked!

Although Alexander couldn't go to Briele's party earlier in the afternoon, the birthday girl sent an awesome goodie bag home to the sneezer; complete with his own pint-sized camera! With his own miniature camera, the kiddo fit right in with his paparazzi entourage. Snap, snap, snapping.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I get it, I get it

Up @ 5.
Out (of bed) @ 5:10.
Yeah, in the morning.

Now what?

Mama's suggestion, "Daddy, the kid wants you to take him downstairs." Good idea.

Of course, all good things come to an end. The boys woke me at 7, Daddy went back to bed and the hopped up kid was all mine.

So, we got a bowl of Ethan's cereal, sprinkled in a box of yogurt covered raisins, and made as much noise as we could so that daddy would wake up & play with us... (the noise part was easy, seeing that feeding the kid his medicine caused him to beg Maia to "help him," and beg me, "Mama, don't hurt me." Heart breaking.)

But daddy got up...

Speaking of the kids medicine, steroids to be exact, they make this kid crazy! Straight jacket, padded room crazy. He just can't stop moving. And on a positive note, it is also helping with the kids cough too!

And, then he crashes.

"I stay here, car."

Since receiving Dr. Lori's awesome, fantabulous, world-changing bedtime & sleep-the-night advice, Alexander has, you guessed it, gone to sleep willingly (in less than 15 minutes) and slept the night thru in his own bed. (Well, until this week's terrible cough-a-thon).

To make this miracle happen, we've been working to cut the babe's naptime out entirely. A napless day isn't Mama's favorite kinds of day, but it is Mama's favorite kind of night. In bed & passed out by 8 (or earlier). Whoa-hoo! And Mama gets a whopping 2 hours of time to read, blog, clean, craft or veg in front of the TV. Sweet!

Anyway, without the opportunity to sleep in the house during the day, the kid has taken a special liking to the back seat of Mama's car. Now, every time we turn onto "H" Street to come down the hill toward the house, the boy starts insisting, "I stay here. I stay here, car." Yeah, my child prefers hangin' in Mama's messy car than in Mama's messy house. Not good...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cute Convalescence

Our poor little scientist isn't feeling so fabulous. Coughing, sneezing, snotting & feverish. So, instead of enjoying the Panera playdate, Ander & Mama spent the day watching, watching & re-watching Scoop... who knew Scoop could be so therapeutic?

And speaking of watching, do you know the best thing about a smart phone? That's right, Netflix. To be precise, Netflix on the smartphone, at the doctor's office. Seriously, my lick the window, touch the door knob, roll on the floor aggravation is greatly alleviated with a little Thomas in the waiting room. It might not be politically correct to entertain my 2-year-old with technology, but it sure does save on hand sanitizer...

And now Mama is sitting on the couch listening to the kiddo cough in his sleep. Poor little monkey.

Everyone say a prayer.

"Cover of the Rolling Stone..." Well, kinda

Carlisle couple, barbers a cut above
By Becca Gregg, Sentinel Reporter, February 25, 2011 The Sentinel - Posted: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:00 am

Carol and Bernie Smith find it hard to believe they've been in business for 30 years.

But then again, the barbershop duo agrees, "It's hard to believe we've done anything for 30 years."

Michael Bupp/The Sentinel
Bernie and Carol Smith of Carlisle have been together in the hair-cutting business for more than 30 years.

Time, Bernie Smith said, "squirts right by," so much that two children have turned into five grandchildren, numerous side jobs have combined into one family business, and modest beginnings have made way for well-established community ties.

As Carol Smith summed it up, "Life is good."


Earlier this month, the clipper-wielding couple celebrated 30 years since the opening of their joint venture - The Hairsmiths Barbershop - which sits in the converted garage of their Carlisle home, across from the fairgrounds on Spring Road.

"I think its because we were determined, that we've been able to stay in business 30 years," Carol Smith explained. "He does his thing, I do my thing, and it's not like we're working together."

Continuing with a laugh, she added, "It's not like I'm the doctor and he's the nurse ... ‘I need more gauze. You didn't do it right.' He works independent and I work independent and I think that helps us."

Despite its success over the years, a barbershop wasn't always on the horizon for the high school sweethearts.

"When I was in high school, I would've never guessed I'd be a barber," Bernie Smith admitted. "In high school I thought I was going to be a teacher ... but that plan changed."


By 1980, the Smiths found themselves married and living the military life with their two young children.

"I was looking for something independent," Bernie Smith recalled of the decision to go into business with his wife. "I was a medic in the Army and it was either this or go through six years of medical school. This was a lot easier."

According to Carol Smith, "We thought we needed to transition into civilian life easily, and barber school was nine months full-time. So he was still in the Army and he started barber school."

By day, Bernie Smith studied his craft at barber school. By night though, he returned to work at the health clinic at the Army War College.

With a college background in math, Carol Smith initially intended to do the books for her husband's barbershop business.

That would soon change, though, with both Smiths finding themselves enrolled in barber school before the year's end.

"I thought, (doing the books) might not be enough," Carol Smith said. "Bernie had been in barber school three months and I decided to start barber school too."


Upon receiving their respective degrees, "Our first jobs were over at the post barbershop," Carol Smith noted. "Bernie was still in the Army, and we had part-time jobs."

Soon enough, the Smiths would begin the search for a location of their own.

"Bernie's idea was to have the shop attached to the house," Carol Smith explained. "We found this house ... we asked the realtor to show it to us and she said we couldn't afford it. So then we asked again and she said ‘No, you can't afford that."

Undeterred, the Smiths pressed on.

Michael Bupp/The Sentinel

"We thought, well, this is a good location," Carol Smith recalled, explaining that from there, a feasibility study was done and submitted to the former Carlisle Building and Loan. "They gambled on us and it worked. So we're very appreciative that the bank thought that we could succeed."

On Thanksgiving Day 1980, the Smiths moved into their new home. Almost immediately, work began on the attached garage that would soon be transformed into their barbershop.

Nearly three months later, on Feb. 4, 1981, The Hairsmiths Barbershop opened its doors for business.


Michael Bupp/The Sentinel
Carol Smith, left, gives a perm to Barb Ocker of Carlisle as Bernie Smith looks on.

Since then, the husband and wife team has worked side by side, both in business and in life.

"We've been pretty lucky that we love each other, and we've been partners since we were married," Bernie Smith said. "I think that's the biggest thing that got us through ... because we're partners, and we cover each others backs," Bernie Smith said.

Added Carol Smith, "We were determined in the beginning that we were going to be successful somehow, and if that meant working elsewhere, we would."

And so they did.

During the early years of the shop, Bernie Smith took a job at the neighboring Getty gas station to pay the mortgage while the couple worked to build their customer base.

"When we first started out, it was nice with a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old. We could work around their schedules," Bernie Smith said. "They were the most important parts of our lives ... our children. That's why we wanted to be independent. So we could spend times with the kids."


Three decades later, it's clear that the bank's gamble has paid off for the Smiths.

"It's worked out. Our kids ... they don't hate us," Bernie Smith said with a laugh. "And our commute is the best in the country ... especially with the price of gas the way it is."

Michael Bupp/The Sentinel
Bernie Smith watches his wife cut hair. Jokingly, Carol added that's what he does best.

According to Carol Smith, "When we're not busy, I can run around. I can go to the store, I can do the wash, I can stitch, I can quilt, I can garden ... and he can do his things too."

Continuing, she noted, "We work by appointments, so we know when we have to be here. The first years, you just want to be here. You've got to be here in case someone walks in. But we've moved to all appointments, and that suits us well. We have children and grandchildren around, and we can make ourselves available for them too because we've been here 30 years."

‘Instant gratification'

Working together each day, Carol Smith said that the couple never runs out of things to talk about.

"We know all the same people, so we have something very much in common ... our work, our background," she explained. "We started going together young, but we sort of grew together. We went different ways, but we came back together."

"Our friends are always amazed that we don't fight," added Bernie Smith. "We don't holler at each other ... we never have. We both had good parents, and that has a lot to do with it."

In addition to both the convenience and the teamwork, both Smiths say that the clientele is what drives them to keep a'cuttin'. Michael Bupp/The Sentinel
Carol Smith gives a perm to Barb Ocker of Carlisle.

"We like people, and we have some great conversations. There's so much to learn about people ... you're always learning something," Carol Smith explained. "It's interesting. Just all kinds of people come in. The people are great."

According to Bernie Smith, "It's nice to help people look their best ... it's instant gratification. Some people work on projects for years and years and years and never see the end of it. And we do 20 people a day and 20 times a day, we say ‘Ah, you look good.'"

.Copyright 2011 The Sentinel - All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Ella Marie!

Ella Bug turned One; can you believe it, one! And she had the best party ever!

The party was so terrific, it made up for the fact that Alexander's 2nd birthday party never materialized. The boy got to share Ella's cake, and even help open her presents! Yippee!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chocolate Sandwich? I think I will...

Who says Aunt Jenn (or grandma) has to visit for some chocolately goodness for breakfast?

These are the kinds of tactics we have to try now that Ander has given up his noon-time nap. Spreadable energy. Yum.

This is also the only way to get the babe's "bankaaaa" out of his mouth. He's addicted to his grimey, gooey binkie. Ugh.
Yesterday, the kid thought it'd be funny to toss his prized binkie behind Mama's dresser. Little did he know, Mama didn't plan to pull it out. My new favorite phrase while daddy is working overtime? "We'll have to wait for daddy to come home to fix/find/retrieve it." Alexander, surprisingly accepted that we had to wait for daddy to reach the bink.
But as we retreated downstairs for some milk to fill his void, the kid started saying, "different. different." A different binkie. Hoy vey. He knows me too well, there's always a different binkie somewhere... but back to this chocolate. Finger-lickin'.