Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big Boy Bed

"OK mama and daddy, I'll try out this new 'big boy bed' idea, but I promise to come back to your bed at 1 am." (I asked Papa to write the first line of this blog... He could have been a little more optimistic about this big boy bed idea... )

Anyway, our little sleeper, hasn't been so sleepy lately. He's up around 3am, looking to snuggle up in Mama's bed (& banish Papa to the guest room). Then he starts to toss around 5am. Up, at the latest, by 7am. Only naps after a long car ride. And if we're lucky, falls asleep during a short walk around the block around 7pm. So, the night can't get any longer; why not put the little man in his own big boy bed?

If the cuteso's in his own bed, maybe, at least, he can crawl down & into Mama's bed in the middle of the night without Mama ever waking up? Yeah, fat chance, that's what I thought...

But isn't he so cute in his new hand-me-down bed from Aunt Jenn? Cuddled up with JB's monkey? Under Granny Smith's blanket? And soon-to-be hugging Nette's blanket? And those of you with a keen eye might even notice Mama's "Mr. Bear" crawling up the bottom of the bed!

And what better way to prepare the boy for a fabulous night of dedicated sleep than a "peaceful" bath with his best little friend (after a very long afternoon of crazy play?)

Did you notice the lack of cute videos? Yeah, that's cause our shock-proof, water-proof Olympus camera is now dead. Yep, the Tiki Tubbing didn't kill it. Salty Key West didn't kill it. But the boy, yeah, the boy killed it! Now Mama needs a nice i-pod to video all the cute stuff the kid does!

1 comment:

Amber said...

So cute in the BIG bed! Bath time isn't nearly that much fun at our house...