Friday, August 20, 2010

Little Brother

When we had a baby boy, we never thought he'd be a little brother, unless, of course, he pledged at Sig Tau in 17 years...

But, alas, tomorrow our boy gets a big sister; Maia Italy! So, today we worked to get the house ready for our new addition. At first, Alexander wasn't on board. Everytime Mama picked up, he would come around behind & throw down.

The boy took a little break from messin' to practice his new "double binkie." Yeah, he's not gonna risk losin' a binkie, he'll just keep them both in him mouth!
And after a little binkie revival, the boy decided it was time to clean!
Listen closely, and you can hear the boy say, "uh, huh," when I asked if he was cleaning for Maia. So Cute!

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