Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Anniversary

It seems like soooo much longer, but Papa & I have only been married for four years! Ugh, that isn't long at all; I've had skirts longer than that... I've even had peanut longer than that...

But I guess we're lucky it seems like forever, or maybe the farting, burping and general lack of fashion would be more of a problem.
Uncle Mike's family reunion always falls on the same weekend as our wedding anniversary, so this year Aunt Jenn & the kiddos spent the week in Wheeling before heading to the reunion in Pittsburgh & offered to babysit the little crackerjack so that Mama & Papa could "celebrate."
However, Mama & Papa don't normally "celebrate." But Aunt Jenn put everything in place for a perfect evening; she bought Mama a new dress, encouraged Papa to make reservations & did the unthinkable--offered to babysit five sick kids, so that we could have a night alone. Fabulous.
We took full advantage. We are so lucky to have each other, and we are equally blessed to have such a wonderful family to take care of us.

Happy Anniversary Papa; I'm hoping for 76 more! Get on that Aunt Jenn!

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