Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daddy Blue Sky & a Duck Picnic

Woodsdale wasn't cutting it for Alexander after his nap, so when Papa got home early from work, we headed back (again) to the park for a picnic. The mallards greeted us with a quack and were so kind as to give us a seat at their table.

Of course, we were bad guests & shared none of our scrumptious lunch. Sorry guys! But Alexander did his best to befriend them with a few kind words. If you listen closely, you can hear Z's best attempt at a duck call.

Papa must have been embarrassing the little duckling, because he refused to sit with us at our picnic table & instead headed to the other side of the park to share a little hooch with his duck buddies. I guess we'll have to start watching Hannah Montana & learn what kids are considering "cool" these days... Ah, maybe not!

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