Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A spoonful of Sugar

Cranky A, the baby that the Bronchitis, Ear Infection & Pneumonia triumvirate delivered late last week, hates taking his medicine.

Well, he doesn't mind the grape flavored Ibuprofen. But not even grape flavoring can entice him to swallow the Augmentin.

Last night at "medicine time" while Papa was working (until 1am) and Nurse Ratchet was busy in the Peanut ward, I had to find a way for the babe to swallow.

Hmmm. I ran through a list of the monster's favorite untouchables... the trash can (gross), the toilet (even grosser), ungrounded electrical outlet (the medicine won't help with electrocution).

Thinking of electricity must have turned the light bulb on; the fridge.

Opened the door & in he went. He was so busy pounding on the fruit crisper drawer, he didn't even notice when I slipped the medicine dropper in the corner of his mouth. And... Medicated.

Well, for now. This trickery has worked 3 times now, enough for his ears to lose the posterior puss & his chest to become a little less congested.

And all without a house call from Nurse Ratchet... and our over-worked Papa.

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