Sunday, December 20, 2009

Over the river & through the woods stories from grandmother's house

Each day Alexander & I woke up early. Headed to Aunt Jenn's to get everyone some Peanut Butter toast, Ethan off to school and the chores complete.

But each night we went back to Grandma's to play with Grandpa & Guiness (the recently Smith-adopted doggie).

Norah is still in love with Alexander, and she wanted to make sure he got his daily antibiotic for his sinus infection. Of course, her dedication propelled her to race around the house with a medicine dropper in hand.

And we went out for the running of the children.

So, while the kiddos were running wild @ Target while we waited for yet another prescription on antibiotics, a super-nice guy in a racing wheel chair pulled up to race Sarah. So funny!

Unfortunately, we also made some time for baby torture... I really didnt mean to make the little man hate snow, and thank goodness, the fear melted quickly...

But not before Ethan had the chance to show Alexander how to make a snow fort & eat snow!

But we always ended up playing back @ grandmas house... well, with grandpa too!

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