Sunday, June 2, 2013

On the Road Again: USS KIDD

May 10. Alexander absolutely did NOT want to go onto "Mama's ship." When I showed him the brochure earlier in the day, and asked if he wanted to go see the ship, he said, "No, we don't like guns." Hmmm, I can't argue with that. But, it's different. Right?

 Obviously, we got him on the ship... reluctantly. I coerced him into the depths of the ship 1. Because he had to use the bathroom, and 2. Because he really wanted to see where Mama used to sleep when kids would come onto the ship for sleep overs. He did it, but I won't suggest he liked it. Good little peacenik. Love.

I don't remember much about my days as a USS KIDD tour guide, but I do remember that the red toilet seat was for the "hot" sailors. Oh, and when the sea was choppy & the boat would hit the water hard, sea water would spurt back up thru the straight sewer pipe for a quick colonoscopy for one lucky sailor.

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