Wednesday, June 5, 2013

On the Road Again: Sunday Morning

May 12. Sunday morning Alexander snuck out of Babushka's bed, and came to cuddle with Mama, Daddy & Brother before we headed to breakfast. I asked him if he was ready to go home, back to Wheeling on the airplane the next day. The boy got very upset, almost started crying, and said, "No! I don't want to go home. This is my home." We asked what about Pnut, JB & Stretch, our friends and our house. His only reply, "No. I don't want to go back. I don't like our house. The hotel is our  home." Poor boy, I think he is having a wonderful time in Mama & Daddy's old home. And I can't really blame him, I didn't want to go home either...
So we went to visit Uncle Mike (Last time we took Alexander to visit LSU's mascot, Mike, he got confused & started referring to the tiger as Uncle Mike. Cute.). As you can see, William was finally warming up to Babushka... and the tiger!

And then back downtown to waste some more time walking on the levee before meeting up with Nemka & her krewe for some Mother's Day festivities.

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