Friday, February 12, 2010

Cold Reception, Warm Hugs

As soon as Vasya picked us up at the airport, it started sleeting. Then we got some freezing rain.

Then we woke up this morning, and, you guessed it, snow. Snow. In Louisiana. Yeah, that's right, where ever we go, schools close in our wake.

So, with the soggy cold weather, we needed a little help getting into the Mardi Gras Spirit, so Vasya decorated us some King Cake! Yum.

Of course, Galina couldn't think of a better way to court her little Russian, than with some salty German pickles; double yum.

The little couple was SO CUTE! They marched around the house with their neatly wrapped pickles. Alexander loved his pickle so much, he was foaming at the mouth!

Galina loves to pose for the camera. She will do well in our family!

These two are adorable together. They just run from one room to the next after each other. G drops a toy, Z picks it up. Z swigs from his sippy cup, G drinks the backwash. G jumps on the couch, Z is right beside her. You get the point.

We weren't supposed to see Aunt Lynn until Friday, but I couldn't wait... so we dropped by the office for 20 minutes to introduce her to the babe. Z was so exhausted from his 3am wake-up call & 540 miles of airtime, that he passed out cold in Lynn's arms for nearly the whole visit. He was nearly as big as Lynn!

Everyone was supposed to meet up @ Chimes last night, but the weather kept us home. Blake came over with a Saint's T for the babe, and some wine for the rest of us. A good time was had by all! Now, on to Ronnie's.

1 comment:

mama louie said...

I love the pictures A and G look so cute together with the pickles