Sunday, April 11, 2010


You'll never believe what happened this morning.
Alexander. Pooped. On. The. Big. Boy. Potty.

Yes, it's true.

After a fabulous evening playing with the big kids. And a basically sleepless night in the big Mama's hotel pull-out. Papa was up for an early-morning shower. Alexander, of course, was unable to resist opening the bathroom door & playing shower-door games with Papa.

After thoroughly drenching his jammies, we stripped the babes bare. And wouldn't you know it, morning poo time. The choices were the white Hilton towels or the potty. Thank Goodness the little poopster picked the potty.

Fluke, yes. But, at least we now know it's possible.

Oh, did I mention he peed on the base of the fancy-shmancy toilet shortly after we did the potty salute? Yeah. Oh well, I used a white Hilton towel to clean that up...

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