Friday, September 11, 2009

Banana Rama

This video doesn't really do justice to just how cute Zander's first independent banana-eating experience was! It was uber-adorable!

He started out enjoying all of his veggies, and was even a kind of fond of his little Gerber spoon. But now, he wants nothing to do with pureed baby food. Zaney is a big boy. He wants, no, he deserves to feed himself!

In an effort to please the little monkey, we've been giving him biter biscuits, Zesty Tomato Puffs, wagon wheels & of course, Cheerios. I found a fabulous recipe for making our own biscuits, and I'm hoping Aunt Jenn can bake us up a batch! Hint, hint...

For a short while Zander was waving goodbye. Of course, he was flapping his hand toward his own face, but waving none-the-less. But in the last week, he's given up the wave to perfect his "So Big" act with Daddy, which is "So Cute!"

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