Sunday, April 7, 2013

Free Water for Flies...

Alexander has a new mission. A purpose in life. "Free Water for Flies." He's identified a need, and he has a solution. Unfortunately, his solution includes William's "therapy" bear cup, but we can all sacrifice for the cause. Right?

Unfortunately, the boy's new "best friend," the fly, stopped flying shortly after his first photoshoot, and the market really hasn't taken back off... We're all just hoping the boy doesn't start importing flies to get the business started again. But no worries, Candice is on the job. Like a good big sister, she'll rat the boy out before the boy gets too out of hand!

(It's hard to see, but there is a pretty large blister on Alexander's right pointer finger & palm. He did an "experiment;" the light was on, he touched it and it was hot. He turned it off, touched it again, and it was still hot. He was not happy with himself, and although I could tell something was wrong, it was more than 45 minutes before he showed me his finger, and then he was so embarrassed, he wouldn't tell me how, exactly, it had happened.

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