Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh, Poop. Seriously, poop already.

Today we took William to see a gastroenterologist at Pittsburgh Children's Hospital... exhale. JB played with Alexander for seven hours (seven hours) while we were gone, and had dinner on the table when we got home. Best. Friendo. Ever. Seriously, I'm not sure we would have made it in the Wild & Wonderful so long without them (and our other neighbors). We're lucky. Our kiddos are lucky.

Of course, didn't feel so lucky when the very nice man was taking seven (seven!!) vials of blood or the nurse practitioner was... well, hopefully he doesn't remember that part of the day. But we're home, and despite the baby torture, we're healthy. Now, if we can all just re-learn to sleep (and let Mama sleep), all will be right in the world.

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