Thursday, March 28, 2013

Darn'dest Things: Marriage

Alexander's been talking a lot about the differences between boys & girls this week. So far we know he wants to grow up to be a daddy; stay home, but not do nothing; and not have any kids. Hmmm...

Today, he said something about having a baby, then quickly corrected himself & said, "I'm not going to have a baby, boys don't have babies in their bellies." And I said something along the lines of, but your wife can have a baby & then you can have a baby... he didn't quite get it.

Then he asked if there was a baby in my tummy, and I said I wasn't having any more babies. He asked, "Is it Daddy's turn?"

But the conversation moved on, but not in a new direction.

"I don't want to get married."

"Why, Daddy married me."

"Did he find you outside on day? That's what married means, ya'know."

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