Saturday, January 7, 2012

Big Brother Entertainment

It's been a very exciting week for Big Brother Alexander. He is so, so excited about his little brother. He's loving, gentle (as a rough 3-year-old can be) and eager to entertain/comfort his baby brother.

Alexander has had lots of visitors to keep him busy; including lots of presents & delicious food. Zavier & his Mommy brought over delicious enchiladas Wednesday night, complete with Super Why paper plates & plastic cups. The boy wasn't quite as excited about the enchiladas as Mama & Jenny Brown were, but the plastic cups... Yeah, the plastic cups have made for a week of entertainment. They've been eyeballs, ears, antennas, towers and "hide the ball" (with clear plastic cups???) games. Thanks for the cups, Meredith... oh, and the food too.

Thanks, also, to all our friends @ MOPS, Christ United Methodist Church, Daddy's CoWorkers, cousin Kirk (Laura & Jack), Grandma, Aunt Jenn and the Baby Mama Club for all the delicious casseroles, desserts and loving hearts! You're fabulous & we love you!

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