Saturday, May 8, 2010


Early yesterday afternoon Papa Stretch called & asked, "How soon can I come over?" Oklahoma to Wild & Wonderful West Virginia in less than three hours... deluxe.

He got here just in time to teach his God son some new bad habits, and you know, drink some beer.

Stretch thought it would be cute to stick a wad of bills in the boys saturated back side... it was. I'm sure the Chinese delivery man wondered why his tip was so moist.

One of the babe's cutest new past times is sniffing the sweet spring flowers. It was kind of funny the first time he did this on a walk, since I never specifically taught him to stop & smell the flowers... Our little hippie in training! I wonder what else he's picking up that I'm unaware I'm laying down?

And last night, without even knowing it, Stretch taught the babes Muzzy's old sign for "bring me another beer, kid." My dad always likes to tell the story about how his mother would put her class on her head as a sign for one of her six kids to go fetch her another beverage of choice. Alexander's a quick learner!

Unfortunately, Papa Stretch is off today to propose to Jenny Brown... OK, he isn't gonna propose, but he is leaving to go pick up JB from Windber. And then, that's right, they're gonna come visit us again on their way back to Oklahoma! Yippee!

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