Saturday, March 29, 2014

Souper: The Soup Shack

And, of course, a forced march requires saltines and dessert for the children and soup and sandwiches for the Mama, Papa and Stretch.

And since we were already on the march, we made it worth our while & hiked over to the Soup Shack. Yum. Actually, "Souper." (To be accurate, I didn't come up with that. While we were eating a man walked by the shack and called, "How'ya doing today?" and the owner yelled back, "Souper."

We split a mushroom sandwich and a hummus taco, while the kiddos (seriously) ate the saltines from the side of Daddy & Stretch's bowls of bean soup. We offered them a pepperoni roll and a dinner roll from the bakery next to the Shack, but the saltines won out... (?!).


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