Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On the Road Again: The City of New Orleans


We arrived in NO super early, so we spent our day eating (not drinking) in the French Quarter. It seemed a little strange/wrong to be there without a Hurricane/Monsoon/Daquari in-hand, and we didn't even go onto Bourbon Street... but there's always Mardi Gras, right?


After the plane ride, the boys were ready to move, so we spent the majority of our time playing/eating in Jackson Square. Alexander talked to all the hipsters (read: homeless), while William roamed free (read: got dirty). But, we all went home healthy, so no worries! (Of course, with all the sleep deprivation, Mama couldn't help but picture the person/rodent who had peed/vomited/liced everywhere the boys climbed/crawled around the park, but again, no harm, no fowl. Right? Don't tell Jenny Brouwn.)




(Babushka's loot. Nothing to see here, just standard Grandma shopping. What can I say, I bring the barganista out in her...)

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