Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Pittsburgh Science Center

We're in; we joined the Pittsburgh Children's Museum... and it's fabulous! Well, it is fabulous, but yesterday the kid wasn't feeling so magnificent at the museum. Not sure if the little monster is growing, going through a phase or if he is just having a hard time adjusting to all the changes in our life this summer (Maia, houseguests, traveling, baby, etc.), but as a general rule, he is not happy.

Well, he's not consistently unhappy. He has his moments (when I take pictures) of happy, peppered among a casserole of crank. Poor guy just can't figure things out right now!

After a first floor of meltdowns, the captain seemed to find his groove and forget about all his problems long enough to enjoy the rest of our museum play date (that's right, our friends went with us!). Thank goodness!

(Just remember, this is a time of exploration *ie neglectful parenting*. So the fact that both of his hands are in the brush water, rather than the paint, is just a sign that he prefers water colors. *or that his hands couldn't fit in the paint containers...*)

(Doesn't quite look like a 2 1/2 year old, does he?)

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