Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby!

Happy Birthday Alexander Robert!

(aka., Ander, Zander, Zaney, Boris, "A," "Z...")

Our little guy turned 2 yesterday. He's brought us 730 days of happiness. More than 17,520 hours of sleep-deprived bliss. Our beautiful big boy turned 2 yesterday!

We were originally planning to spend Ander's 730th day traveling to Carlisle to spend his 17,520th hour celebrating with all four of his grandparents, four of his little cousins, one aunt, one uncle and a whole bunch of new friends. But instead, we ended up staying in wild & wonderful WV while Aunt Jenn nursed a house-full of sick kiddos & Uncle Mike shoveled snow outside. Boo, hiss.

After a quick trip to Walmart for a Birthday present, Kroger for a Pound Cake mix & some chocolate milk, and a half dozen calls from friends & family singing for the little guy, we were ready for a proper birthday dinner (of cake) for the little guy.

Although we had to cancel Ander's 2nd birthday party (just like his 1st last year), we had a wonderful, snowy birthday in West Virginia (just like his real 1st birthday in 2009). But, unlike his real 1st birthday, Alexander's big sister was here to serenade him.

1 comment:

mama louie said...

Happy Birthday to Alexander Happy birthday to you!!!!!