Sunday, March 21, 2010

Schedule Change

Yeah, I know. Sunday mornings equal avocados & swimming. But this week we decided to shake things up. Live on the edge.

Well, actually, Mama was feeling pretty crap-tastic & thought a quick trip to the park might cure what ailed her. OK, I was thinking of relaxing on the bench with my Time magazine & listening to Papa & Z run laps around the ducks.

Like usual, we arrived at an empty park, which was better than the alternative. No, I'm not hopped up on Nightquil. The first crazy little boy to arrive went charging at baby Alexander yelling, "I'm gonna get you." Yeah, and before his handler could stop him, he had tackled Z. I was at least 50 feet away and I could hear Alexander's head smack off the concrete. Poor little guy. This has not been a good weekend for his head.

As you can see in the picture below, he had a little incident on the concrete stairs yesterday afternoon. We're gonna have to start wearing a helmet on that boy; he's just like his Mama!

Unfortunately, the park didn't help me feel better. The Dayquil helped for awhile. But then... Ugh. So off to the doctor's I went. Verdict, Strep Throat. The doctor told me to stay away from the baby (???) Seriously? Papa is going to stay home tomorrow. And we're all going to pray the little weasel stays healthy!

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