Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day all axt fuh you

"I wennon down to dee Audubon Zoo
And day all axt fuh you
Duh monkeys axt, duh tigurs ast
And duh elephant axt me too."

Yeah, that was the song the DJ played @ Mama & Papa's wedding reception to introduce the bridal party into the ballroom. That was fun. Everyone was wearing Papa-caught Mardi Gras beads; it's about time for another good party... Jenny?

Anyway, we're a little far from the Audubon Zoo, so we took the little monkey up the hill to the Oglebay Good Zoo to check things out.

For some reason, Mama thought it was warm out? So we went for a train ride... it was NOT warm... but that didn't bother the little guy. He loved it!

The little nature boy kept trying to run back to see the meerkats. I tried to spin him in circles to make him forget about them... it didn't work.

But then he fell in love with the chickens. Luckily, the pretty roosters were well-trained to run from all the little bird lovers.

We got a family membership, so now that the weather is getting better, we'll have some non-dogs to chase around the mountain.

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

What a handsom litle hippy boy