It seems like Wheeling's Blue Skies are evading Papa. Chilly & dreary when he's home, but beautiful sandal weather while he's at work. The luck of the Irish!
So yesterday, after a particularly cranky morning (I think Alexander's cutting some new teeth), we headed back to Wheeling Park to play with Baby Owen.
Owen was enjoying the park much more before we arrived to play with him. But started to warm up to Zaney shortly before we headed off to Wendy's for lunch.
Owen's Mama took a fabulous picture of Alexander. The toothy grin is just so adorable!
After the park, we headed to Wendy's for Alexander's first Happy Meal. Although the toy was a great success, Z took just one bite of the overly-processed corn meat & said "no thanks." Well, I guess that's one more thing Mama can take credit for!
Alexander was so tired after the morning's excitement, he fell asleep in the car & slept most of the afternoon. Alexander's fabulous & efficient babysitter spent the evening playing with the babes so that Papa could strap the feed bag on with Mama @ Hoss's for a lecture on High Tunnel Gardening.
Then this morning after perusing the Lowe's Garden Center in search of some garden borders, fencing & sweet corn seeds, we headed back to the park. We were hoping to meet up with Polliwog Andy, but instead with just played with strangers.
Of course, as soon as we got to the park, Alexander was off & running straight for the glorified, kid-approved litter box. Gross. But, there was no stopping him!
Just about the time Z tired with the sand, he spotted his first little playground buddy for the day. (I still can't believe how few kiddos are at the park in the morning!)
Unfortunately, the tired little munchkin cheek-planted down the sliding board stairs, so we had to go home to clean him up. He didn't like that idea!
Poor little cutie! Ouch! I love the hamburger video, but I bet you would have guessed that...
Aw!I'm so glad you got a little reminder of the little story-telling girl at Wendys!
Thanks for coming to play with us -and I'm sorry Owen wasn't much of a play buddy. I see many more park visits in our future.
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