Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween at the Good Zoo

There might not be many mild days left in 2013, so the boys and Mama are taking advantage of the good ones. Every day last week we made a mini-adventure somewhere outside, we even made it to the zoo... and every day since, Alexander's asked to go back...

It looks like William wasn't with us, but he was just napping in the stroller for most of the visit...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Out the Pike Halloween Dance Party

This year's VBS Halloween Party had about 1/2 or 2/3 fewer kiddos than last years. I felt a little bad for the organizers, but it was a much nicer and less hectic event this time. Much more pleasant. The kids had a great time playing with the decorations and dancing. And, of course, the bags of candy they brought home after the trick or treating fun!




The boy in the blue suit is also in Alexander's karate class. So much energy and enthusiasm; his parents are definitely doing something right with this kid. So nice.

Notice how the teacher said to make a circle, and Alexander just danced in the middle...


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween 2013: Ghost Boo-ys

Last year we took the boys' picture in front of a neat red door at the Edgwood Lutheran Church on National Road before going to the Out the Pike Halloween Party (see the pictures here), so we did it again this year. My how they've grown!

Last year William was just starting to stand, this year he was refusing to stand still!

And, if you couldn't tell already, it takes enough time just editing the pictures for the blog, and if I tried to pick just a couple of my favorites, I would never be finished. So, I present, almost every picture I took of the boys yesterday. I'm pretty sure the Aunt & Grandma audience won't mind. And seriously, their expression. Hoy, I can hear William making non-words with that open mouth and totally imagine what Alexander is thinking with that distant stare. (Did I mention the teacher told us A was a leader this week at his Parent-Teacher conference. She said he knows what he wants to do, how he wants to do it, and classmates just go along with his plan. Or, when they don't, he has no problem just going and doing it on his own. I can see that. But she also said he followed her rules wonderfully, that's a little more of a stretch for me...)