Thursday, July 19, 2012

Garden Park Swim Lessons

Alexander could be catergorized as, "Scared of the Water." Which is strange, since this boy l.o.v.e.s to play with/in/around water. Or, at least, he likes to spit. Boy, does  he like to spit. To straighten things out, we figured we better start swimming. And what better way to get aquainted with the chlorinated pool than $5 swim lessons; right?

The first 8 days, the instructor never introduced life vests...and Alexander never agreed to letting go of Mama's neck. Day 8 he put on a vest, got comfy and even agreed to take the vest off & float aroud the pool with just a dumb-bell. And I'm not referring to myself (but if you saw me in the deep end, you  might disagree).

So, after 2 weeks, he still can't swim, but he had an interesting time. (& got tired enough to nap!) He learned to pee standing up; Is that something boys typically learn at swimming lessons? His journey was a little confusing for Mama; he would whine and cry, grab & thrash like he was drowning. But when I stopped to save him, he'd laugh and make it known he didn't need any saving. Maybe just some attention. He had a great time, no matter what he said!

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