Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Borderland State Park, Mass

So, like all bad Monday mornings, Daddy had to go to work. So the boys & Mama hit the trail. We hiked a little @ Borderland State Park. 

While we hiked around the boy rediscovered his love of rocks. He filled all of his pockets with rocks, then insisted on filling mine. Seriously. He wanted to collect every. single. rock. The little stinker.

And William refused to ride in his carrier, the little poop-head. I had my hands full! So we kept going.

And, we kept going. The whole way to the beginning. Plymouth Rock. That tiny rock, a tiny boy & a medium-sized, good times. Mama gained a whole lot of confidence on this trip; traveling solo with two handfuls wasn't so bad at all! Enjoyable even.

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