Tuesday, August 16, 2011


On the road to Howe Cavern, Papa spotted a beautiful sunflower field reminiscent of road trips through Kansas. It was lovely. But we were moving at a pretty good clip down our back road, so we had to settle for a little road-side photo shoot on our way home from the caverns. Good timing.

Verdict still out on what's wonky with Mama's camera/lens.

Babushka said this was Savely's first time playing in a field, so he was a little too scared to explore with Alexander. Fortunately/unfortunately, Alexander was very much at home invading this farmers fields.

Luckily Papa stepped in to save the hay bale before the kid finished clawing his way to the top. What a cutie!

When it was time to head back to the car, the boy made a break for it. He ran as fast as he could up & down the rows of sunflowers. But who could blame him, they are beautiful!

The bees were also enjoying the flowers; Savely didn't like those so much though.

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