Monday, August 15, 2011

Howe Caverns

First stop on our Russian Vacation, Howe Caverns. Alexander was absolutely adorable. Our little spelunker snuggled with Papa as we walked along the chilly underground river. Brrrrr.

"What's an owl say?" "Whooooo, whoooo," the boy says. Cute.Ness.

"Scientists believe nature began to slowly craft Howe Caverns some six million years ago - long before even the ancient, extinct animal known as the woolly mammoth appeared on Earth. The caverns are unique for more than their age and beauty - they are among a very small number of mineral caves in the world."

Ok, so this wasn't the best adventure to "experiment" with the remains of Mama's "broken" camera (Alexander pulled the whole rig down from the TV cabinet days before our vacation, leaving Mama's most expensive lens in pieces & the remaining lenses & camera body in questionable condition.).

I'm still questioning. True it was a cave. And it was dark. But geez, give me a picture I can work with!

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