Saturday, February 26, 2011

I get it, I get it

Up @ 5.
Out (of bed) @ 5:10.
Yeah, in the morning.

Now what?

Mama's suggestion, "Daddy, the kid wants you to take him downstairs." Good idea.

Of course, all good things come to an end. The boys woke me at 7, Daddy went back to bed and the hopped up kid was all mine.

So, we got a bowl of Ethan's cereal, sprinkled in a box of yogurt covered raisins, and made as much noise as we could so that daddy would wake up & play with us... (the noise part was easy, seeing that feeding the kid his medicine caused him to beg Maia to "help him," and beg me, "Mama, don't hurt me." Heart breaking.)

But daddy got up...

Speaking of the kids medicine, steroids to be exact, they make this kid crazy! Straight jacket, padded room crazy. He just can't stop moving. And on a positive note, it is also helping with the kids cough too!

And, then he crashes.

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