Friday, February 25, 2011

Cute Convalescence

Our poor little scientist isn't feeling so fabulous. Coughing, sneezing, snotting & feverish. So, instead of enjoying the Panera playdate, Ander & Mama spent the day watching, watching & re-watching Scoop... who knew Scoop could be so therapeutic?

And speaking of watching, do you know the best thing about a smart phone? That's right, Netflix. To be precise, Netflix on the smartphone, at the doctor's office. Seriously, my lick the window, touch the door knob, roll on the floor aggravation is greatly alleviated with a little Thomas in the waiting room. It might not be politically correct to entertain my 2-year-old with technology, but it sure does save on hand sanitizer...

And now Mama is sitting on the couch listening to the kiddo cough in his sleep. Poor little monkey.

Everyone say a prayer.


Amber said...

There was no Panera this week! Hope A if feeling better soon!!

mama louie said...

MORE!!! that poor little cutie, hope he is feeling better soon