Thursday, September 9, 2010

Afternoon Walks & Morning Play Dates

You know the best thing about big sisters? No, not their amazing eye for photography. And, no, not the binkies they have hidden in their purses. But their commitment to afternoon walks!

Leisurely strolls to Sheetz for a coffee. A jaunt to the basketball court to scope out the locals. Or a quick strut down the block to confuse the neighborhood boys (Apparently, all young ladies who are seen with a baby in these here hills are suspected of being the Mama...). Big sister's are awesome!

Of course, now every time the speed walker sees Maia, a pair of shoes or an outside door, the boy says, "Walk?," "Shoes on.," or "Out!" And, like with all strong-willed terrible twofers, "no" is not an acceptable answer.

Unfortunately, the boy's need to be out doors has led to more than Mama's fill of tantrums & crying fits. Although the kid still isn't sleeping thru the night again, we're trying, trying, trying to re-teach him how to sleep on his own. So rather than taking the kid on a car ride for a quick, 10 minute bedtime, or on a stroller ride for a longer 30 minute bedtime, we keep him inside (scream) for a 2-3 hour bedtime. Ugh.

In the evening, when the kid is stuck inside, he just sits at the dining room window shouting "hi" to everyone man, woman, child & dog that passes by. It's pretty cute, and a little dangerous, since we haven't gotten bars to keep him in yet...

Another "baby, please wear yourself out so you can sleep" method we've employed is the morning play date. I was talking to Maia yesterday, and we decided that we'll have to start afternoon play dates so the kid can sleep better at night... any takers?

Yesterday, we had a fabulous play date at Baby Ella's house! Cake, apples, watermelon & K.I.D.S! Yippee!
Shurik pushed, pulled & climbed right through his preferred 11am nap time in order to keep up with all the big kids!
The kids all LOVED Mama's old Little People garage that we used to play with when we were just wee little ones!

The boy crashed shortly after I buckled him in his car seat at 2:15pm... a little late for a nap, but I let him sleep an hour anyway. Bedtime was long, like usual, but the boy slept the whole night! Let's pray for a repeat!
(The pictures below are of the kid eating ice cream in the late afternoon, but we had to, he heard the ice cream truck. And it was Labor Day...)

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