Monday, September 27, 2010

2010 Barnesville Pumpkin Festival

Despite warnings from all our friends, Alexander insisted we head West for some Pumpkin ice cream @ the Barnesville Pumpkin Festival. Yum!

I can't say Alexander particularly loved wearing a pumpkin costume, but you have to admit, he looks pretty darn cute!

And of course, like every posse, we don't travel alone; we, of course, had to have us some Ella taggin' along! The talkative little Alexander loves to shout "Amber," "Ella," & now, "Russ!"

We almost lost Maia at the Italian Corndog stand, luckily, we pulled her back home with some local pumpkin ice cream. Mmmm, yum.

Did I mention how much Alexander Loves Maia; well, that and her ice cream. Again, yum.
Maia gave the kid a lick. And eventually, she wanted to stand up. Haaa! The boy would say, "Sit!" and point his little double-jointed finger toward the ground. "SIT!"

Papa & I are so lucky to have such a handsome, smart & funny little boy; we're blessed!

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