I can't say Alexander particularly loved wearing a pumpkin costume, but you have to admit, he looks pretty darn cute!

Alexander is extra-excited about his afternoon stroll now that the lovely Julie & her puppies tag along!
Language; it's what's for dinner. And lunch. And breakfast. He's even serving it up for a midnight snack. Last night, in his sleep, he was going on, and on, and on about, "grandpa, grandpa, grandpa." The kid just doesn't shut up; so cute!
And sometimes, he gets just a little confused... like tonight, at dinner. Papa scolded the kid for blowing bubbles in his won ton soup "Stop. No," and the little linguist responded with a little, "nose," and a finger tap. That's right, he knows (nose, nos) his anatomy...
I know I've been saying it since his first birthday, but every time the kid hangs out with the "big kids," his speech doubles. He's now pairing up words, and saying "more cheese," "grandpa's truck," and "Maia's coffee." Of course, the kid is calling everything coffee these days...
Of course, I'm on Team Z. And when the other Mama's (& Grandma's) say how bright he is, I'd like to believe them. But, he's mine; I think he's pretty cute too, but I'm biased!
Anyway, maybe he is bright. You decide. Last week we were wasting some time, drove up to Target, pulled in next to a maroon CRV. Alexander points & says Amber. I couldn't argue, it was Amber's car... we weren't even supposed to meet her there (although, we do stock little Ms. Ella sometimes...)
And last weekend, Grandpa came to visit & we headed downtown to checkout the Stearn wheel Festival. As we were driving downtown, we pulled up to a red light. Alexander pointed out the front window & said, "Grandpa's truck." It was true, Papa was driving grandpa's truck & they were stopped at the light in front of us!
Now, if we can only teach him to sleep in his room, by himself, all night...
Mmmm, cake.