Monday, August 30, 2010

Fl*sh It!

I don't think the boy's quite got the concept of "potty training" yet. Well, actually, I'm pretty sure he's still a little confused. OK, a lot.

I caught the little rascal in the act. He smiled, turned and ran, Super-Duper in hand, and hid behind our bed. After cleaning out his toilet-full-of-fun, I made my way into the bedroom to find the little guy playing a little cardboard applicator turned kazoo. Good times.

True, our 13-year-old Alexander is going to be mortified when he reads this, but after this morning, I think he has it coming!

And as his Papa was telling me, "Ah, how cute," on the phone, the boy struck again. I was standing right there. Back turned. Cleaning up the dry mess. And the little poopsic threw the plastic "so-peanut-won't-chew-them-up" Tampon holder lid in the pot. His Papa thought that was cute too... I'll give him cute.... grrr.

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