Zander adorned his white Habitat NCAA hardhat for safety, and to let the "crew" know who was in charge! Friday evening Daddy, Stretch & Brad hacked at the roof until nearly 10pm.
After a 7am visit to the dump, the boys returned to the roof to remove the remaining shingles for a second trip to the dump... Unfortunately, no one knew the dump changed their hours, until the crew arrived at the locked gate at 11:30am. We had another Alice's Restaurant on our hands, luckily, no one got arrested!
Shortly after lunch, reinforcements arrived, and Grampa climbed right to work. The rain didn't start until around 6pm...
But Alexander cracked the whip, and the boys kept working!
It was difficult to keep Zander occupied while the other men-folk were hard at work on the roof, but Jenny Brown did her best by putting on a private puppet show, just for Alexander!
When JB & Stretch arrived in Wheeling at the beginning of July, Alexander was just starting to sit up by himself. Now, he sits confidently, crawls like he's on a mission (notice his poor rug burned knees), he can roll to a sitting position from his belly, he can pull himself to a standing position from a seated or kneeling position, and he's cruising around the ottoman & his other standing toys!
Zander's bottom two teeth are also starting to push through, which has added a little more gas to his constant propulsion.
Speaking of gas, Zander had his first tasty guacamole (minus the tomatoes & onions) & it was a big success!
On our way home from the doctor in Pittsburgh, we met up with JB & Stretch (on their way back from J-ville) @ Whole Foods for a horribly expensive lunch & a sackful of frozen organic veggies to puree for our lil' Vegemite. Making our own organic baby food is turning out to be so easy! I started out using a baby food strainer, but then remembered the "Bullet" my parents had gifted us a few years back in Louisiana. It took me all of 15 minutes to make a pound of peas for our Sweet Pea this morning. So fun!
Why is your baby never in clothes?
:) Probably the same reason D & I are never in clothes:)...
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