Tuesday, January 14, 2014

So Long, It's Been Good To Know Ya: We're Moving to New Jersey

I'm not sure I've gone this long without blogging about the boys' in... a long time. Maybe since Alexander's early days of reflux-y sleeplessness. But this time I'm not laying awake in the wee hours rocking my hungry, uncomfortable baby, I'm laying awake plotting our family's next adventure in New Jersey. Daddy accepted an amazing job in Metro NYC, and We're Moving To New Jersey! 

Daddy accepted the job right after Thanksgiving, spent his last day at the WV Plant shortly before Christmas and moved to a New Jersey hotel, by himself, the first week of the new year. He's been in his new, second floor office flanked by two big windows, working with "really nice people" for a little more than a week, and as you can tell from his description, he loves it! It's a wonderful fit, thank goodness. 

We decided to send Daddy by himself, so that Alexander could celebrate his birthday with all his friends, keep attending class each morning like normal and earn his purple belt, of course. But also so Daddy could really focus on his new position and finding us the perfect New Jersey home for our family. 

And while Daddy's focusing on finding us a new home, the boys and I are focusing on selling our old home! We've been thinning out our collections, donating old toys and clothes and recycling our hordes of "re-usables." And slowly, but sadly, saying goodbye to all of our friends... in between Open Houses and House showings. Mama's never cleaned/organized/hid/entertained so often in the history of this home. Whoa.

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