Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bus Boys: Bored to Adventure

Last week it was cold and dreary, yet both boys refused to sleep. So we woke up early and tired. And some of us... read: Mama... are crankier than others when subjected to Moldovan Sleep Torture. And when I thought I might not be capable of one more sleepless moment, I looked up the bus schedule, packed up the boys & left for an adventure.

Alexander found three pennies while we waited for the bus, a major highlight. We met one of Daddy's co-workers at the courthouse (ironically, we were paying property taxes on the Prius, while on a bus adventure), who told the boy about 2 more coins he had seen outside the courthouse, near his car. With a new mission to find more coins, the boy was off & climbing the courthouse walls. Five coins in pocket, we headed to the library. Walked to the post office. It started to rain. Stopped at the Honey Hole in the Centre Market for special adventure cookies. Speed walked thru the drizzle. Missed our bus. Spent another hour at the library playing Dr. Seuss games. And, finally enjoyed our ride home. Phwew! Good. Long. Day.

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