Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Treat Day: Harold & the Purple Crayon

We really like Harold and the Purple Crayon book. Really like it. So when we were appointed a treat day on the same day Ms. Carol read Harold, it was like the stars had alighted. We had to do our part. So we (mostly Mama) painted purple apple trees on treat bags, drew purple dragons on cookie sleeves and painted one of everything, even Harold on the boy's dollar bin purple shirt. Success.

A's shirt was much more purple than it appears in this shirt...Anyway, as soon as he walked in his classroom, he told Ms. Carol to close her eyes, unzipped his coat & was so excited to show her his purple shirt... with HAROLD! Alexander even painted the apples on the tree... he's only 3, so he quickly got demoted to paint brush dipper. He was much better at that job! :)


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