Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Home of the Egg

The neighbor has adopted Alexander as one of her own... and she has a lot. They're related to half of Wheeling, so what's one more. Especially on a holiday, right?

Although we didn't eat Easter dinner with the neighbors, Alexander did (almost) hunt eggs with them. I say almost because the boy was eager to collect eggs, up until the time Ashley rang the "go-get-'em" bell. Yeah, the heard the bell, turned around & found something else to play with. It's like he couldn't even see the other children scavenging frantically for eggs... until the hunt was over & the kiddos hunkered down to evaluate their bootie. Then, and only then, the boy asked, "Where are my eggs?" And noted their were no more eggs to be found. And you know what a good mother does? Grabs a few empty eggs & tosses them behind the kid before saying, "look there are some more!" He was happy.

Although the boy wouldn't collect the special, treat-filled eggs, he did try to stuff a boy-sized plastic egg in his bucket. He wasn't so successful...

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