Alexander ate a couple pancakes, then lined three friendly girls up and said his usual, "My name is Alexander. This is Mama. Want to play with me?" The boy does a great job sharing with big kids, let's just pray this skill soon transfers to play time with his little friends!
During breakfast, some girls asked the kid & his friend Zavier how old they were. Alexander answered for himself, "I am three years old," (usually he says, "fine") and then he told the girls, "We're big boys (brothers), we take care of babies (baby brothers)." (The girls didn't understand the twerp the first time he answered, so that's why there are multiple versions of the same answer.)
It doesn't take long for Alexander to run out of conversation, but yesterday when he didn't know what to say, he said, "Girls, talk to Mama." The girls, of course, didn't know what to say, so Alexander continued, "Mama, what do you want for Christmas?" Did I mention the girls got a good laugh when A answered the same question with, "a pony;" yeah, where did he come up with that? And later he added, "a pony & a girl." Hoy vey.
After breakfast & ball-time, the kids were each partnered with their own elf, and we headed to the classroom for a couple songs, a story & craft time. I'm not sure Alexander's elf really knew what to do with our rowdy boy... she probably won't be asking Santa for a little brother anytime soon!
In the middle of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Alexander got up, ran in tiny circles, stopped & said, "I run like this (run, run, run). But Peanut runs away. He hides under the train table." Yeah, apparently, he finally thought of a new topic to discuss with his elf...
Yeah, I let him eat a sugar cookie... And that probably led to us being the last family hanging out after the party. Playing with dinosaurs. Yeah, it was kinda tricky getting the kiddos back to the car!
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