The past couple of weeks, well, actually since we came home from car show on October 3, Alexander has been asking, "
Nowah?," "
Sawah?," and
getting excited
every time he sees a baby & declares, "
So what better surprise than a sunrise road trip to grandma's house to see some of the kid's favorite girls Saturday!
The boy's latest animal trick? He now slaps his thigh/knee/ankle & yells "
Guiiss!" Mama had a very brief brain fart, thinking how nice it would be for Alexander to have his own dog... then I remembered that there is enough "cat poop" to clean up.
And speaking of "cat poop," on the very long four-hour car ride to grandma's house, Alexander entertained himself by identifying the roadside farm animals and their poop. Yep, "horse poop," "cow poop," "sheep poop," and of course the random "dog poop." I'm not sure if all the pooh talk is linked to watching Charlie (neighbor dog) take his morning constitutional, or if it is Mama's constant, "Do you want to go
poopy on the potty?
Poopy on the potty?" I'm gonna have to stop feeding that kid cheese if I want to continue with potty training...anyway, back to dog poop.
It seems like just last month that I was complaining about my shy guy. But oh, how quickly things change with a toddler. Alexander now prefers just about everyone to his own mother (except in the middle of the night or at dance class). The kid had so, so much fun playing with grandma in the backyard; he wanted her to chase him, hold him, swing with him. He loved it!
You'd think that since i make the little super hero such awesome shirts, he might like to have me around a bit more... but I guess super
heroes like
Captain Alexander don't really need their Mama's hanging around...
While Aunt Jenn's girls napped, we headed to the river for a little hike. Shortly after Maia arrived in the US, i gave her my favorite copy of Tom Wolfe's
Electric Koolaid Acid Test. She wasn't initially too interested in the
Merrypranksters, but I anticipate that after falling in love with this super-cool, old, burned-out school bus on the way to the river, Maia will crack the cover.
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