Papa's big boss organized a generous family outing to the Pittsburgh Zoo Saturday afternoon; so we packed up the boy early & headed to the big city. We planned to meet up with baby Nikola for lunch @ Ikea, then hook up with a few more friends at the Carnegie Science Center before heading to the Zoo with Baby Ella @ 6pm... Don't they say something about the best laid plans?We made it to Ikea for a little Swedish Meatball gobble...
And say what you must about those Swedes, but their meatballs... Oh, the babe approves!Yeah, but after that, nothing else really went as planned... When we arrived at the Carnegie Science Center, Nik's mama realized she didn't have her tickets. Then the new baby on the block got tied up in Wheeling & was unable to go science with us. And then, Ella's Daddy called & canceled for the zoo...
So it was all Boris, all science, all afternoon!

Papa loved the first 3 floors, but the baby... whoa, the baby found his thrill on blueberry hill (aka, the 4th floor).
Water, water everywhere!

Around 4:30 the baby crashed. Whoa! Threw himself on the floor. Screaming & crying. Bad. Scene. Papa, of course, difused the situation. Calmed the boy. And kept us all up & happy for another hour before we headed home...

About 10 minutes out of Pittsburgh, the boy konked out... and about 10 seconds after we pulled into the carport, he woke up. Ugh. Refused to sleep after an amazing hour powernap.
No fun.