Thursday, June 24, 2010

Met & a Meal

Finally, our last NYC post (for now)! It only took 2 weeks to recount our 2 week vacation with babushka!

On our last day with Grandma & Grandpa we took one more trip into the city to show Uncle Afanasi the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Of course, the little man fell asleep on the subway... only to awake in a funk when we arrived at the museum. Well, he gave us a few minutes before the crank... but not many.

Unfortunately, Mama & the babe had to run (screaming) from the Picasso exhibit. It was traumatic. Very traumatic. And to compound the trauma, the hoity toity museum bartender refused to serve Mama a $10 glass of red wine. Refused might not be the right word.... And just to spite them we sat ourselves at one of their tables for a little banana, cheese fish snack. Yum.

And then Papa found the American Wing Courtyard! Freedom at last! The boy ran wild & even made a wish in the small water display. Of course, he used his binkie instead of throwing a quarter to make his wish, but oh well...

Up the steps. Down the steps. Face on the steps. And then back up the steps. Art Farts.

Speaking of farts, did I mention that the Met doesn't have changing tables in their rest rooms? Yeah, not so baby friendly. I had to change him on the vanity table in one restroom and on the sink in another. Ugh.

After the long trek back to Brooklyn'd, we met up with Pops, Slava & the whole family for some Turkish food. Yum, yum & yum. I think Turkish food, prepared by Russians is definitely, my new favorite cuisine!
I had the best Portabella mushroom that I've ever tasted. And carrots that looked like sausage. Can you say perfection? OK, yum will suffice!

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