After the service, Aunt Amy shared a true "Grandpa" story. Back when Pap used to attend church, he went to service one Sunday morning & noticed a fella in less-than-Sunday-best duds. Rather than turn his nose up at the man for dressing inappropriately, Pappy called the church office & anonymously donated $200 for the man to purchase church clothes.
Mama's cousin Kirk was blessed with Pappy's gift of speech, and of making everyone feel comfortable whatever the situation. Kirk is the only one in the family who isn't too shy to speak his mind, and luckily, he did a fabulous job vocalizing what the rest of us were thinking...
In the Eulogy, Kirk made a joke about how Gramps' favorite charities were The Meadows & the PA Lotto. But then reminded us how Pappy always needed to give us something when we came to visit him; be it a piece of candy, a $2 bill or a shoe horn, gramps couldn't be happy without sharing something.
Kirk pointed out that each of Bingo Bob's daughters inherited his generosity and kind spirit. Just like Pappy, they are always sacrificing themselves to help their family, friends and even strangers.
I could have inherited Pappy's bald head, but instead I inherited the same kind heart that he gave his daughters. Just like Gramps, there are very few material goods that I wouldn't be excited to pass along to someone who needs them more than we do. When I see a good deal at the store or at a yard sale, I get so excited to buy it, then redistribute it to the next person who says they are looking for "one of those." And now that Kirk made that Grandpa connection for me, I think I will spend even more time being like Pappy!
After the funeral we had a variation of the traditional Irish Wake... Catholics drink & laugh, Leventry's eat & pocket some cookies! About 35 people heeded Grandpa's last offer to, "Come on, I'll buy you a meal," at met up at Hoss's. After a morning of tears, a happy luncheon remembering Pappy was a great send-off.
After we ate up the last scoop of available ice cream, Kirk pulled out a pocket full of PA Lottery Scratch-offs to distribute as one last tribute to Pappy.
(Although the babe has licked a cone before, this was his first solo ice cream cone. He did such a fabulous job, I feel certain that Pappy must have been helping him... That man just LOVED to give the kiddos a sugar-high!)