Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Babushka's Brooklyn'd & a Wonderful Weekend Wedding

Despite our 1am arrival in Brooklyn'd, Alexander was up & ready to party. Mama was not. After a 2:30am bedtime, thank goodness D & Babushka volunteered to get up with the lil' clubber at the crack of dawn.

Zaney warmed up to his grandparents quickly, so we thought Saturday's wedding in NJ was going to be a breeze. Yev would drive us over for the ceremony & pick us up at midnight after the reception... I canceled the hotel reservations & was pretty excited about saving all that money.

Then D & I walked around the corner for dinner Friday evening with the Atomic Russian (Anyone remember him from our wedding?), 20 minutes later, Yev called and said Alexander wouldn't stop crying. Anna said he was crawling from room to room looking for me & eventually when he couldn't find me, the bawling commenced. I could hear him from the front door of the co-op. Poor guy!

So, we pulled out the credit card, rebooked the hotel rooms & packed up the Russians for NJ.

(I borrowed, without permission, the good pictures of J & L. We forgot our camera for the ceremony, and just took horrible pictures at the reception!)

J & L made such a cute bride & groom; they could have been on top of a cake!

L is a fashion designer in NYC, which should have come as no surprise! Her dress was perfect! It looked vintage, but she probably had it made just for her. She looked beautiful; and J's smile never faded the whole night!

Anna walked Baby A around the hotel while we were at the ceremony, but when he saw us walk into the front lobby after the ceremony, he just started crying & reaching for me... This seperation anxiety's gonna kill me. I need to start looking for a traveling nanny... I think Jenny Brown would be perfect!

We put Zander down for a nap before we headed down to the evening reception & he slept the whole time!

The reception was amazing! My mom loved the Purple Haze Martini's, the boys couldn't get enough Shrimp & crab claws and Jenn enjoyed the "big water!"

After a fashion consultation with D's super-stylish NYC cousin the night before, I decided to wear the red dress... My uncle (Not Uncle Vinnie) pointed at my belly & asked if I was pregnant... I guess I should have worn the black one...

Uncle Vinnie & Aunt Ro looked great, and they sure hosted a fabulous party!

D tried to capture the hilarious Smith-family dancing tradition without success. Of course A & C were break dancin', Grandpa was rockin' the suspenders and Little N never left the dance floor.
Although I didn't know most of the music the DJ played, he was probably the best DJ I'd ever heard. He kept calling the old & shy out by saying things like "If you think the lady you're with tonight is the most beautiful women you've ever seen, bring her to the dance floor. If we don't see you up here... "
Of course, Zander decided to wake up right when D & I returned to the hotel room and he didnt go back to sleep until after 3am.
Needless to say, I am still recovering from No Sleep in Brooklyn'd.

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